Do you know of “Murphy’s Law?” My 30 day diet was to start exactly 32 days before our 25th wedding anniversary. The diet was to end, the day before we took off for a three day weekend to Carmel. While planning for the coming month on the diet, and trying to prepare myself, psychologically, I was trying to plan the month to be “relaxing,” with as few curve ball as possible! But what happened was anything but relaxing.
Several days after I began the diet, my wife says she wants to have some dear friends over for dinner on January 27. I reminded her I would still be on my diet, but I told her it was OK with me; it didn’t seem like a big deal – at the time. But then the invitation list grew, eventually reaching 15 people, and the menu grew, as well! Not only was I not going to be imbibing in the spirits at the party, but I wouldn’t be eating from the extensive menu, either. And then, two days before the dinner, I end up being recruited to being the primary person shopping for food – that I wasn’t even going to be eating – and then to make matters worse, after shopping, the delicious looking foods were all over the kitchen, refrigerator, dining room, etc., within clear view, for the whole 48 hours, prior to the party, tempting my resolve!
But I survived – and not any worse for it. I only ate what was on my menu! Everyone seemed to have a great time at the dinner, including me! It was definitely a memorable occasion, in more ways than one!
Now, this coming Sunday, the last weekend before the diet ends, is, something called the…..Super Bowl! And not just any Super Bowl, but one with our local team called the 49ers, making it impossible for me to not be watching. I don’t have plans yet, but I am sure wherever I end up, it will be a lot of fun, and it will provide another opportunity to build character, working to avoid the “landmines” of Super Bowl Sunday!
The point is – when you are on a mission – to get healthier or lose fat or overcome diabetes, or whatever, there will be obstacles, but if I can do it, you can as well!