Lung cancer is a disease that occurs due to rapid division and multiplication of cells that form tumors and interfere with lung functions. It accounts for 29% of all cancer deaths in the US making it the leading cause of death by cancer.
The American Cancer Society estimates that about 234,000 men and women will get lung cancer in 2018. Approximately 155,000 of them are estimated to die from the disease. The risk of developing this type of cancer is 1 in 15 for men and 1 in 17 for women, both smokers and non-smokers.
Knowing the causes and symptoms of lung cancer can help you seek lung cancer treatment early.
Symptoms of Lung Cancer
- A persistent cough that gets worse
- Coughing up blood
- General fatigue, weakness or tiredness
- Hoarseness, wheezing or shortness of breath
- Recurring pneumonia or bronchitis
- Swelling of the face and neck
- Loss of appetite or weight loss
- Constant chest pain that worsens with coughing or deep breathing
Lung Cancer Causes
Cigarette smoking is the main cause of most lung cancers. Not everyone who smokes will develop lung cancer but the risk of developing this cancer increases with frequent cigarette smoking.
Other common causes of lung cancer include second hand smoking, particles in polluted air, and genetics. Smokers exposed to asbestos, or other hazardous chemicals, or radiation have a higher risk of developing lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Treatment Options
You should speak with your doctor if you notice symptoms of lung cancer or believe you may be at risk. A sputum test, X-ray, CT scan, PET scan or biopsy may be performed to make a diagnosis. Lung cancer treatment will depend on the type of cancer and how much it has spread. Conventional treatments for lung cancer include:
Surgery. A surgical operation can be done to cut out cancer tissue.
Chemotherapy. FDA-approved cancer medications can be taken to shrink the cancer tumor or kill the cancer cells.
Radiation Therapy: High doses of energy waves are applied to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors.
Targeted Therapy. Prescribed medication can be taken to block growth and spreading of cancer cells.
Lung Cancer Natural Remedies
Because of their high toxicity, conventional lung cancer treatments, e.g., radiation, cannot be used continually. Their side effects can suppress the immune system and worsen cancer.
Natural, holistic, and integrative therapies provide non-invasive alternative remedies without these side effects. A naturopathic doctor can create a nutritional and supplemental treatment plan for you and integrate other non-traditional therapies to help rid the body of lung cancer cells.
Diet Plan:
A specialized diet is among lung cancer natural remedies. A diet plan that involves starving the cancer cells of foods that cause them to rapidly divide and multiply can kill the cells.
Lifestyle Changes:
Exercise has proven to provide mental and physical benefits for cancer patients. It improves oxygen levels and blood circulation.
Enzyme Therapy:
The goal is to rid of toxins in the body by naturally increasing digestive enzyme levels. This allows for digestion of dead cancer cells and strengthening of the immune system.
Oxygen Therapies:
Studies show that cells are unable to survive in an oxygenated environment. Therefore, flooding cancer cells with oxygen can retard their growth and kill them. It can also stimulate growth of new, healthier cells.
Contact the Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center to schedule your health consultation and learn about natural cancer treatment options. Call (916) 446-2591.